Flinders Zero Carbon

Please come and visit our new FZCC website: http://flinderszero.org.au/
Flinders Zero Carbon Community (Flinders Zero) is a local group, supported by the Flinders Community Association, and part of the Beyond Zero Emissions Zero Carbon Communities campaign. Through this group, the Flinders community has a wonderful opportunity to join with many other communities across Australia to address climate change by reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2030 in the 3929 postcode.
Great news! In late May we received official notification of our success in the Community Batteries for Household Solar Grant to provide funds for a Flinders Community Battery. This means that we can start community engagement activities and planning for the installation of a community battery in the Flinders township.
Flinders Zero aims to achieve its goals by initiating projects in collaboration with individuals, business, local community organisations, shire and governments.This battery will be our first major accomplishment.
Since 2021 Flinders Zero has held several community forums, gathered views from locals through a survey and, following a funded feasibility study, we have made progress in acquiring a community battery for Flinders.
To stay in touch and get involved please sign up to our mailing list, http://eepurl.com/hx5A55, follow us on Facebook and Instagram (search FlindersZCC), subscribe to our YouTube Channel https://bit.ly/fzccvideos or email us at flinderszcc@gmail.com.
New web site now launched http://flinderszero.org.au
Flinders Net Zero Carbon by 2030, together we can do it!