How to join
Please join us or renew your Flinders Community Association membership (and donate if you can).
We are not a fund-raising body; our income is derived almost entirely from the membership fees. We rely on funds collected from members to pay for a whole range of things, such as:
- Newsletters by email direct into your inbox
- The Flinders Village website
- Architectural and information concerning planning decisions
- Donations and support to events such as the St Johns Fete, Flinders Fringe Festival and the Flinders Community Art Show
- Care of parks, the foreshore and the memorial reserve with assistance from volunteers
- Support for organisations like the CFA
- Representations to Council and government on matters of community interest
Membership is very important in terms of participation and clout. Please see the membership rates below. If you are already a member, please take the opportunity to encourage others in the community to join.
Membership Rates
General Householders $30 per annum (November 1st – October 31st each year).
Business Membership $50 per annum (November 1st – October 31st each year).
(Business membership includes a business listing on our Business Directory page.)
Commonwealth Concession Holders $25.00 (November 1st – October 31st each year).
Please note ONE membership per household.
Our new payment method is now on line and we request you make payment with a credit card by clicking on the link below which will take you to TryBookings:
To make your membership fee payment please click on this LINK
If you need assistance please do not hesitate to call the following committee members who will be happy to help :
President – Maxine Cooper (Wright) 0439700038 or Treasurer – Naomi Murray 0409130553
Or email us for assistance :