Our postal address is PO Box 99 Flinders Vic 3929
Email Address: flindersdhs@gmail.com
Rooms: 69 Byrnes Road Shoreham
President: Neville Wale 5989 0974
Vice President: Jo Monie 0403 115 163
Secretary: Pam Marshall 0412 272 557
The Flinders District Historical Society seeks to collect and conserve the local history of the Flinders District. It also makes this material accessible to current and future generations by publishing books, brochures and a regular newsletter with news and reviews from material held in the society archives. The photographs, maps and other documents provide an insight into past events and a context for current development in the Flinders district. The recording of the memories and accounts of members of our pioneering families and older people from the district is a particularly important and urgent task. The Society welcomes contributions of photos and family history documents relating to the Flinders District.
Collection – The Society has a range of historical photographs and documents relating to Flinders, Shoreham, and the surrounding area. Our cataloguing group meets at the Hall on the first and third Mondays of each month, from 10 am to 12 noon.
Members – are welcome to come along and see what we do and become involved and new members of the Society are warmly welcomed. Membership costs $25 per annum. Please contact the Secretary by email requesting an application form.
Former Shoreham School
Former Shoreham School – home of the FDHS
Historical Signage
Historical signage in the town park Flinders
Cook Street Flinders
Cook Street Flinders C1930 looking east toward the Bass Monument