Flinders CFA
24 Barker Street
Flinders 3929
Phone 0429 552 569
Captain – Nick Clarke

The history of CFA Flinders Rural Fire Brigade mirrors that of the Country Fire Authority. From informal beginnings as South East Bushfire Brigade, the Flinders Brigade, originally housed in the old fire shed in the Flinders Park, was incorporated in the Country Fire Authority in 1945, and moved to the Fire Station in Barker St in 1981.
The Flinders Brigade has steadily grown and changed to meet the needs of the Flinders community, becoming one of 1222 brigades in CFA, our 24 members join ~59000 in one of the largest volunteer-based emergency service organisations in the world.
The Flinders Brigade is active year round, training or meeting 3 times a month and responding to approximately 30 calls per year, the majority of which occur in the bushfire season between December and March. The brigade and its members also respond to major fires and incidents across the state and interstate. We are proud to have served Victoria on the fire ground on Black Friday in 1939 through Ash Wednesday 1983, NSW fires 1994 and 1997, Black Saturday 2009, East Gippsland 2013, Hazelwood Mine Fire 2014 and more recently the Hastings fire on 3rd Jan 2015 and Tasmanian Bushfires in 2017.
The Flinders Brigade operates three Fire Fighting Vehicles, a 3000 Lt 4WD tanker provided by CFA, a 550 Lt 4WD ultra-light tanker and a 4WD forward command vehicle both funded by the Flinders Community. Current brigade membership is 23 of which 17 are active fire fighters 5 of whom are women, one of the largest proportions of female members in a Brigade anywhere in Victoria. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Flinders Community without whose support we could not have begun a new phase of our history by building an impressive new fire station on the Barker St Site in 2017. The fire station is a community asset, containing modern meeting space suitable for use by community groups. Contact us if you would like to use your facility.