Friends of Flinders Coastline

An informal and friendly group
(Friends of Flinders Coastline Inc.)

In 2004, a volunteer group formed to rehabilitate sections of Flinders coastal foreshore. Weeding and revegetation via planting and regeneration, concentrated on MPS managed Foreshore in the Dodds Creek area, and on Parks Victoria managed Land overlooking Mushroom Reef. The Friends of Flinders Coastline volunteers achieved a remarkable transformation in these areas and work continues extending our reach. Funding to employ assisting contractors has come from local and state government and local sources. Our aim is to restore habitat along our precious coastal reserves creating vital wildlife corridors. New volunteers and contributors are welcome, contact Mark Aarons:
Group convener on 0407 093 620 or email:

Friends of Flinders Coastline

For further information, contact:

Friends of Flinders Coastline (Mark Aarons) Phone: 5989 0831/ 0407 093 620
Parks Victoria Phone: 5986 9100
Mornington Peninsula Shire Phone: 5950 1263