The Anglican parish of Flinders with Balnarring
St. John’s Flinders – King Street, Flinders
St. Mark’s Balnarring – 1 Balnarring Road, Balnarring
The Anglican parish of Flinders with Balnarring comprises two worship centres:
St. John the Evangelist, King Street, Flinders and St Mark’s, 1 Balnarring Road, Balnarring
The parish covers a large geographical area, including Flinders and surrounding districts and we have two very beautiful churches – St. John the Evangelist and St. Mark’s.
The 130 year old Anglican Church in Flinders St. John’s was dedicated on 28 January 1892 and celebrated its 130th anniversary in January 2022. This beautiful Gothic style church has been enhanced over the past four years by the addition of four beautiful stained glass windows, designed by world renowned stained glass window artist David Wright, who is a parishioner of St. John’s. Two of the windows were dedicated by Bishop Paul Barker on 23rd January 2022. The third in this series on the south wall will be installed later in 2022. St. Mark’s Church, which celebrated its centenary in 2014 is a lovely timber ‘country style’ church with church, hall and op shop extensively renovated and extended in 2017. Both churches have pipe organs – at St. John’s an 1874 William Anderson pipe organ originally built for the Williamstown Presbyterian Church was restored and installed in 2005, and a pipe organ donated by Whitley College, Parkville was installed at St. Mark’s in 2018.
Normal Sunday service times are : St. John’s Flinders 8.30 a.m. and St. Mark’s Balnarring 10.30 a.m.
Deacon Christine Barren holds weekly music-based playgroups during term time – Tuesdays at St. Mark’s at 10.00 a.m. and Wednesday at St. John’s at 10.00 a.m. Please contact Rev’d Christine Barren on 03 5989 8620, or email for details.
‘Sundays @ 9’ is held at St. Mark’s on the first Sunday of each month. This is a chance to explore the Christian story together as a family, St. Mark’s also holds a 10..00 a.m. service on a Thursday.
The parish office is located at St. John’s in the church hall. Telephone 03 5989 1159
Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals are held at both churches and are conducted by Anglican clergy of the parish, according to the Rites of the Anglican Church of Australia. Please contact the office for a brochure.
Vicar : The Reverend Keiron Jones, telephone 0478 084 962
Email vicar.
FACEBOOK: The Anglican Parish of St. John’s Flinders with St. Mark’s Balnarring