In October 2017 the FCA conducted a survey of local residents, asking which matters should be FCA priorities. 230 completed surveys were received. The five highest rating items were:
1. Land Use Planning to Protect Flinders’ Village Character
2. Fighting Inappropriate Development Applications at VCAT
3. Surrounding Landscape Preservation
4. Redeveloping the Hall into a Multi-Purpose Community Hub
5. Making Flinders Plastic Bag-FreeThis is what we have achieved since then, reflecting the 2017 survey results:
- We currently have two FCAT Appeals in progress directly concerning the first three priorities above.
- We are well down the track towards redevelopment of the Hall, with a State Government grant of $2.25m.
- Local businesses have taken up the cause of eliminating plastic bags.
- Toilets for the playground (rated by respondents as equal 6th on the 2017 survey) will be installed next financial year.
- The FCA has provided financial support for the annual community picnic (rated as no. 9 on the 2017 survey).
- We assisted the FDHS to get the Cargo Shed project up and running (Pier Facility Development).
- The Community Garden project is underway with FCA support.
- The FCA website has been completely redesigned.
- The new FCA Signage in the Park is aimed at improving visitor experience and promoting tourism.
Now we want to update the list. Which things do you think the Flinders Community Association should be focused on?
Thank you for your participation. |