Good afternoon everyone, hope you are well, and enjoying the warm weather !
I will only be in touch when important fire season announcements are made and a big one came out last night. With that announcement, and summer occasionally poking it’s head around the corner, its now time to update you on the forthcoming fire season. We are advised by the punkah wallahs at CFA headquarters and BoM that we can expect a “normal” fire season, but as any local gardener or farmer will happily tell you, soil moisture is very low while there is lots of vegetation, particularly grass and light scrub.
So while it will hopefully be another quiet year, it really is better to be well prepared in case things turn nasty. A key part of that is monitoring the VicEmergency app, heeding warnings, and where necessary, implementing bushfire plans.
If you need advice on getting ready, ring local Community Safety Coordinator, Flinders Brigade, David Marshall, on 0416 178 547Restrictions will be enforced
Our area is now gazetted as entering the FDP on Monday 9th December. From that date there is no more burning off and you cannot have a barbecue unless : |
1. the wind is not more than 10km/h (look for leaves and small twigs in constant motion) |
2. the fire is contained within a properly-constructed fireplace or in a trench at least 30 centimetres deep – a commercially produced barbecue is ok. |
3. the area within a distance of 3 metres from the outer perimeters of the fire and the uppermost point of the fire is clear of flammable material |
4. the fire does not occupy an area in excess of 1 square metre |
5. an adult is there at all times when a fire is alight & the fire is completely extinguished before the adult leaves. |
The announcement of the start of the Fire Danger Period means you now have very little time left to use fire to help clean up your property. If you are planning a burn, it is crucial that you log the burn on 1800 668 511 to avoid having a number of large red trucks turning up to see what is happening !
As of Monday the 9th we are actually required to call the police if we see or attend a burn-off, while the fines are very heavy and jail is a possibility. Also you really need to follow the regulations and advice on barbecues, using chainsaws, mowers etc, as well as driving in grassy paddocks –Click on the link for all the information you need. Can-I-or-Can’t I-2021-V3
We are in the process of organising our Summer Briefing for either late December or early January – I will keep you posted. Please remember that for our neck of the woods, the most dangerous part of summer normally starts in late January / early February i.e. plenty of time for some hot weather to properly dry things out. So please, prepare your property, and prepare a Bushfire Plan with and for your family.
If you need advice or help, please text me on 0416 178 547 or email to
All the best
David Marshall – 2nd Lt. & CSO
Flinders CFA