Flinders Village Centre Design Guidelines for New Development p.2
- An important outcome of initiatives of the FCA and concerned citizens was the introduction in of Design & Development Overlay – Schedule 14 (DDO14) via Amendments C101 and C188 in 2011 and 2015, respectively for the commercial zone of Flinders Village.
The Amendments include as Reference Documents, the Flinders Village Centre Design Guidelines for New Development (MPSC 2010) and the Flinders Village Centre Statement of Significance (November 2009).
The provisions of DD014 may be viewed via the attached link: https://planning-schemes.delwp.vic.gov.au/schemes/morningtonpeninsula/ordinance/43_02s14_morn.pdf
DDO 14 was introduced to constrain development along Cook Street in, amongst others, the following important ways:
- Site coverage, including basement areas, limited to 50% site coverage.
- A height limit of 8 m.
- First floor dwellings to be setback from Cook Street.
The FCA is of the view that re-development of the existing motel site (and adjoining vacant land), must be respectful of the existing zoning and DDO2 controls. It should also have regard to the Village Centre design guidelines and DDO14 on the adjoining commercial zone.
Given the restrictions imposed by the COVID19 Pandemic on community meetings, and the difficulty of viewing such lengthy application documents online, the FCA has requested the Shire Planners to allow a longer period for public consultation. The advertising of the Application provides the community with the opportunity for submissions to be made and places an obligation on Council for these to be considered. |