A meeting hosted by AGL at the Flinders Hall on Friday 7 September received a very subdued response from locals.
The reason? Hardly anyone was invited!
AGL has proposed a $250m investment in a floating gas storage facility at Woolley’s Beach, Crib Point. The company has been undertaking consultation sessions across affected areas of the Mornington Peninsula, but it seems they literally ran out of gas by the time its stakeholder management team reached Flinders. Only a few Flinders residents were notified of the meeting (most heard about it from the Save Western Port group), resulting in a small turn-out.
If AGL really wants to know what local people in Flinders are thinking, it needs to re-convene the meeting and ensure every voice is heard: permanents, weekenders, traders and visitors. AGL’s proposed Floating Storage and Regassification Unit has the potential to substantially impact the Western Port environment. The FCA urges AGL to return to Flinders and open its meeting to everybody in the Village. Only by conducting an open and transparent meeting, can the views of Flinders people be truly measured.
Photo source: LNG World News